The Brands I Trust
The following are Brands, Blogs, and Products that I personally use. I trust them to do what they say and believe they are reliable resources.
Branch Basics
$10 off first order
$15 off first order
Thrive Market
40% off first order
Amy Myers MD
$10 off first order
Make Wellness
$10 off first order
Starter kit $55 value
Young Living
10% off first order
Thrift Books
Free Book
Seed Probiotics
$25 off first month
Resources I Trust
The following are sources that I personally use. I trust them and the research they provide. I believe they are reliable resources.
Dr. Izabella Wentz
Izabella’s Instagram
Amy Myers MD
Amy’s Instagram
EWG Tapwater Database
Mark Hyman MD
The Doctor’s Farmacy Podcast
EWG Cosmetics Database
Why aren’t we being helped to be healthy before we become sick