sitting down and just beginning…
I finally decided to sit down and brain dump. I’ve had this site ready to go for months now and every time I try to think about what to say I don’t know where to start. So, this is me starting. I’m not sure where this blog will go, but I hope it helps whoever needs it, or at least makes someone feel like they aren’t alone in this journey.
In any of my posts you come along, it’s important to understand that I am NOT a doctor. I do not give medical advice. And I cannot diagnose you. I advise you to speak with your Doctor if and before you try anything that I mention. This is about sharing my personal journey, beginning to current. I don’t know everything there is to know about hashimoto and thyroid disease, which is why I ended up here. Im learning as I go, from the friends I have made with the same or similar diagnosis, books, my Doctor, Functional Nutrition Coach (Whom I will rave about later) and the million web searches I have done late at night trying to absorb information.
I’m not here to sell you a special pill, or a quick easy fix. There is no, ‘one answer’ for anything. There is no, ‘This is the solution’. There is only a constant try and try again to see what will work for you and make you feel better. Yes, it is possible to feel better. I cannot tell you how many times I was told that this was my new normal and I should accept it. Or that, ‘No, you will not be able to lose the weight. It’s just part of your diagnosis.’ Thankfully, I refused to accept that I was going to always have adrenal fatigue, painful joints and muscles, swollen and freezing extremities, brain fog, extremely painful periods, weight gain and much more. It took almost a year post diagnosis for me to actually start working on bettering myself, but when I did, I found people who have changed my life for the better.