Advocating for my health and doing the research - I’m finally feeling better.
After 3 months of supplementing I went back to retest everything. But this time I went in with expectations. I had gathered enough information from facebooks groups that I knew I needed to have multiple tests done regularly. It included a full Thyroid panel and a few other things like magnesium, cortisol, and vitamins. At the appointment, I ended up not even seeing my Dr and only seeing someone for a blood draw. When I asked what all we would be testing and if I could have a few specific things tested (specifically a Full Thyroid panel and not just TSH and free t4, which I found out was all that was tested last time) I experienced what many others had told me to prepare for.
Rejection. The response was that if my TSH comes back abnormal then they will do further testing, but at this point it is unnecessary to test the thyroid beyond that. I suspected that I had Hashimotos and I knew what needed tested to give me the answer. But I was told that I wasn’t able to request any testing beyond what the Dr recommended. So I left with minimal testing but tests nonetheless.
I started researching different clinics I could go to and request testing. I found out that I had to wait 3 months before I could go back in and if I didn’t that insurance wouldn’t cover it. So while I waited 3 months, I set up an appointment with a friends mom who is a Functional Nutrition Coach and scheduled an appointment with a primary care provider. At this point I had gained 60 lbs with no explanation and nothing was working to even just stop the weight gain. I got to a point where I was so down and out about it that I would cry at the thought of going another month with no answer. I knew something had to be done but I felt like I had tried everything. I met with Jayne and she got me set up to change to an anti inflammatory lifestyle. (I want to be very careful about calling it a diet. It’s so far from a diet. If you want specifics on it I will have a post in the future talking about it more in depth but mostly it’s no gluten, dairy, or sugar.) I committed to it and started in. At this point, what do I have to lose.
If I were to tell you that I was shocked at my check in with Jayne it would be an understatement. Three months of committed lifestyle change and I had lost 40 lbs. I started feeling better mentally. My joints quit hurting, my mood improved, my fatigue all but went away, things I didn’t even know were not “just normal aging” healed…! I want to emphasize that I did not restrict either! There was no calorie counting, weighing out food, measuring portions, nothing. If I was hungry, I ate, but I ate food that served me instead of processed “filler” foods. I’m FINALLY on a path to healing and the answer had nothing to do with my Dr. But 3 months had passed and I was ready for my appointment.
I went in with hopes to get what I wanted and expectations to walk out with the minimal. In my appointment she asked what I was there for and I responded, “Honestly, if all I get out of today is the blood tests I would like to get then I will leave happy.” Her response shocked me, She pulled out a paper and asked what I wanted then let me know what each test would cost if insurance chose not to cover it. I left with a full thyroid panel and all 3 of the vitamins I was deficient in 6 months prior. She informed me that she could do the tests no problem but would have to refer me out to endocrinology to treat anything. Perfect! I got what I needed and a referal where I needed to go! I would have my test results in a couple days and I would finally have an answer to if I had Hashimotos or not.
At this point I was on my 3rd Dr and being referred to a 4th. I was hopeful that endocrinology would be my landing place and I would be able to monitor and heal my thyroid alongside my Functional Nutritionist based off of the test that were just ordered. Because of the Thyroid group I had joined on facebook I knew I would statistically go through a few Doctors before I found one that could really help the way I needed. I don’t remember the specific statistic, but unfortunately it’s common to have to see something like 4-6 doctors before finding one that treats the thyroid the way it needs treated.
Two days passed and I got my results. My Thyroid antibodies were off the charts high. I have Hashimotos.